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 International Video Screening


 April 28 - 30 - from 11:30 AM to 12:10 PM

Auditorim of Biblioteca Brasiliana USP

The screening will hapen during the conference program



Jessica Ullrich and Hugo Fortes



Adele Raczkövi | Daniel Beerstecher | Daniel Mijic |Darlene Farris-Labar |Eva Meijer | Filderbahnfreundemöhringen FFM | George Long | Hugo Fortes | Lynn Carone |Marcia Vaitsman | Mathias Antlfinger & Ute Hörner | Monique Allain| Nivalda Assunção | Orlando Maneschy | Oscar Leone Moyano | Rachel Mayeri | Rene J. Marquez | Rodrigo Braga | Ruth Maclennan |Yeon Jin Kim

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